KanoPool:  18.17PHs/18.18PHs
Shares:  160,230,691,324,423 (170.57%)
Invalids:  14.7M (0.53%) · 182.0G (0.11%)
Last Block
Pool:  217d 4h 59m (Solo 851081)
Network:  15s (883039)
Users:  212
Workers:  486

WARNING: Do not give your username+password to anyone else.
Do not give your username+password to apps or web sites.
Do not use the same username+password here that you use on ANY other site.
A monitoring app or web site will ONLY need your username+API key.
You can setup an API key from the 'Account'->'User Settings' menu page after you login.
Your miner password should be 'x' and must not use your login password.

For all Username fields below, use your account 'Username' not your Email.
Getting your Username or Password wrong a few times will temporarily block you.
N.B. Usernames and Passwords are all case sensitive.

Username: Pass: 

or choose one:

Login with 2FA

*2nd Authentication: (6 digits)
*Leave blank if you haven't enabled 2FA


MUST be a valid working Email
Retype Password:
Account Type:PPLNS:  Solo:

*All fields are required
Your Username must start with a letter and be 3 or more characters.
It can't be a BTC address, start with 'bc' or finish with a space.

Your Email MUST be a valid working email address.
A message will be sent to it when your first login.

You must select PPLNS or Solo.
You cannot change your Account Type once the account is created.
To mine, you must verify your account and set a payout address.

Note: your username is upper/lowercase sensitive,
and you must also have upper/lowercase correct on all your miners

Passwords require 6 or more characters, including
at least one of each uppercase, lowercase and a digit, but not Tab

Password Reset


If you enter the details correctly, and click on Reset,
an Email will be sent to you to let you reset your password

9th Feb 14:23:18 UTC Copyright © Kano 2014-2025